Mar 27, 2011

This is it ! my essay writing

The Reason Why Indonesian Travelers Addict Shopping

Since tourism activities are easy to access and affordable, travelling to other countries become a good choice for the haves, particularly Indonesian. The purpose of travelling can be divided into two large categories, for leisure purpose and business purpose. Travelling is the best way to solve human problems. Being far away from daily routines help people to refresh their body and soul, and gain new spirit. During travelling people can do many activities, from the simple to the challenging ones. From the characteristic of tourist, compared to foreign travelers, Indonesian travelers prefer shopping as priority while they are travelling overseas for the following reasons: quality of product, customer service, and prestige/status.

Indonesia is a potential target market for other neighboring countries as tourist generating. Based on information, there are five Indonesian favorite countries to shop, namely Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Southern of China.

Travelers always prepare special budget to accommodate shopping, either their own budget or from their colleagues. The most favorite stuffs to buy for Indonesian travelers are fashions and gadgets. Travelers can find the latest fashion in affordable prices especially during the great sale that is held twice in a year. The high-tech gadget is also the favorite stuff to hunt. Electronic enterprises never launch their new products in Indonesia because travelers can find them out in affordable prices when they are abroad.

Another favorite stuff is small goods that is unique and represents tourist destination, like souvenirs, foods, and beverages. The advantage to buy this small size is that they are inexpensive, easy to carry, and will not cause overloaded baggage.

Price is not the main consideration. Travelers will buy if they think the stuffs is good and they want. A traditional way of transaction is still available. However, in this way of bargaining, we need good bargain. The rule of refund tax applied in some countries has made Indonesian tourists to enjoy shopping more.

Guarantee from the manufacture and seller causes shopping more enjoyable. The manufacturer provides certificate to show and guarantee that the stuffs are in good high quality. This experience cannot be used in bargaining in a shopping centre. Tourists will search in black market to find the best stuffs in lower prices. This illegal act is a strategy to attract tourist minimum budget and eliminate tax fee.

Something surprising for us is when the sellers or shopkeepers try to communicate with simple Indonesia language to offers the stuff, such words ‘mampir dulu’, ‘barangnya baru’, or calling in polite name Ibu/ Bapak/ Kakak. This is a good way to dreams buyers. The sellers believe understanding a simple language will support them in introducing and selling the product. They show magic words as a power to encourage buyers to buy the stuffs. Other special treatment is to let Indonesian try all stuffs.

Do not judge the book from the cover. This jargon is available in shopping centers abroad. Sellers do not consider the buyers’ appearance. They believe that no matter how bad the appearance is, the important thing is the fact that buyers have money and want to buy the stuff. Therefore, even though the buyers are wearing inappropriate clothes, they do not care. This situation could be different from that in Indonesia shopping center as shopkeepers will treat their customers based on their grooming and luxurious things they are wearing. It is pole apart with them who enter the shop wearing flip flop, bad and messy grooming. The shopkeeper looks like uninterested in giving the service. These cases happen almost in all shopping destinations in Indonesia.

Personal touch is another treatment to pamper customers. Personal touch is given since the customers enter the gate until they leave the gate. Many strategies are applied including greeting warmly, smiling nicely, calling customers by their names if possible, and creating comfortable atmosphere.

The shopkeepers also have knowledge to anticipate some questions not really related to the stuff. These include questions about good fine dining restaurant, which bus stop to pick them, popular tourist attraction, and so on. Famous chain shops/tenants absolutely have customer database. The function of database is for customer identification and creating better relationship with loyal customers.

Back to Indonesia after travelling from other country, many Indonesians show off to public. They feel proud of having and wearing the products wherever and whenever. They will be careful with their stuff.

When people are wearing and using branded products, of course they will be valued and appreciated. But, not all people own branded products, not all people are able to travel abroad. That is why wearing and using branded one make some people feel different from others. They will have different social status in society. It is indicated that, some Indonesian tourists believe that shopping in foreign countries not only fulfill the needs but also prestige. Feeling exclusive is just normal as a human kind, but do not be over.

Whatever the habit of Indonesian tourists is, we must realize that wasting money by shopping in foreign countries is not good for our economics. As a part a nation, we should play role as good society who support and promote local products and who are proud of wearing local products. I believe that the quality of our products is not worse than that of foreign products. But, entrepreneurs should also be concerned about service quality, customer service, and product value, so that they can give the best to their customers. This could eventually minimize the habit of some Indonesians to go shopping overseas.

Mar 9, 2011

Dominasi acara kuliner dan perjalanan wisata di industri broadcast.

Persaingan diantara media elektronik (Televisi) menuntut mereka untuk terus berinovasi dengan beragam produk acara, agar mendapat perhatian pemirsa. Bagi masyarakat sendiri, televisi sudah menjadi kebutuhan wajib atas pemenuhan kepuasan hiburan, dari desa sampai kota sudah terjamah televisi, ragam bentuk, sampai yang paling modern model LED TV, ragam akses mulai dari antenna rumahan sampai TV langganan. Program TV sendiri, punya era dan kejayaan masing-masing di masanya. Stasiun TV pertama di Indonesia, TVRI yang sebelum era 90an menjadi idola dan selalu dinanti-nanti kini harus tergopoh-gopoh menghadapi serbuan program televisi swasta. Trend program televisi saat ini hampir semua sama (acara berita, olahraga, sinetron, pencarian bakat, musik, dan hiburan).

Langsung merujuk ke inti dari tulisan, hal ini menjadi perhatian penulis tersendiri (sebagai insan pariwisata), sejak awal 2000an program televisi lebih variatif khusunya program hiburan, program ini diramu bukan hanya menyajikan informasi tetapi dilengkapi dengan saran atau masukan bagi pemirsa. Program hiburan disini bukan tentang acara musik, reality show, atau pencarian bakat, melainkan acara yang berhubungan dengan wisata. Hampir rata-rata acara yang berhubungan dengan wisata, dihadirkan pada saat akhir pekan ataupun menjelang petang. Hal ini cukup beralasan, karena pada waktu tersebut, orang-orang butuh acara yang dikemas secara santai, menarik, dan tentunya menyenangkan.

Kenapa kuliner jadi bagian wisata? Kita perhatikan perkembangan acara kuliner sekarang, bukan eranya lagi sang chef berdiri di dapur memperkenalkan bahan masakan, mempraktekan prosedur memasak hingga penyajian. Tapi modifikasi acara kuliner sudah ditekankan dengan aktivitas perjalanan, menelusuri berbagai daerah untuk menemukan sensasi kuliner asli daerah yang spesial, kunjungan dari restoran fine dining hingga warung kaki lima, menjadikan panorama alam sebagai background dari dapur tempat meracik makanan dan minuman (di pantai, pegunungan, resort, dan pusat keramaian).

Di sisi lain, program kuliner dibuat lebih spesifik, tidak terlalu general. Contohnya program kuliner yang khusus pengolahan pastry & bakery, produk olahan makanan laut, atau acara yang mempertandingkan kehebatan antar chef. Acara kuliner, memang tidak memiliki rating yang tinggi, tapi memiliki pemirsa setia, tidak hanya didominasi Ibu rumah tangga, tetapi hampir keseluruhan segmen masyarakat. ‘walaupun dari mereka tidak memiliki kemampuan memasak, setidaknya mereka akan mencari lokasi di mana hidangan tersebut bisa ditemukan atau dipesan, bahkan mencoba bereksperimen sendiri’

Lain kuliner lain lagi perjalanan, padahal keduanya saling berkaitan. Sebagai komponen dari aktivitas perjalanan, tidak hanya transportasi, akomodasi, souvenir, tak kalah penting adalah kuliner ‘Food & Beverage’. Program perjalanan memang tergolong muda dan tiba-tiba booming di berbagai stasiun televisi. Program ini menyajikan dengan apik proses dari keberangkatan ke tempat tujuan, aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan di daerah destinasi, hingga kembali pulang. Ramainya program perjalanan ini karena tingginya animo masyarakat Indonesia untuk melakukan perjalanan/ berwisata, hal ini bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, seperti meningkatnya kesejahteraan masyarakat sehingga mereka memiliki spending money khusus untuk berpelesir, keseriusan suatu destinasi dalam mempromosikan destinasi. dalam keadaan minim budget dapat disiasati dengan perjalanan backpacker ‘yang sedang trend’, bisa juga karena destinasi tersebut dimunculkan dalam film, video klip, atau perhelatan event akbar.

Banyaknya program perjalanan, mampu dikemas dengan inovatif, mulai dari perjalanan ke tempat-tempat wisata popular, mendatangi destinasi pada event budaya yang bersifat tahunan, atau menelusuri daerah yang belum terjamah industri pariwisata sekalipun. Program tidak hanya mengekspose keunikan ataupun cirri khas daerah melainkan dilengkapi dengan informasi bagaimana cara mencapai destinasi, pilihan objek daya tarik wisata yang bisa dikunjungi, aktivitas menarik selama berpelesir, pengeluaran biaya selama perjalanan, hingga hal-hal informatif lainnya yang bisa dibagikan kepada pemirsa di rumah.

Dari sekian banyak program acara hiburan wisata, ternyata program kuliner dan perjalanan tidak hanya program mandiri tetapi turut digarap oleh program berita, talk show, musik, bahkan program pencarian bakat sekalipun. Ada space tersendiri yang disediakan, biasanya terletak di akhir-akhir program, namun tidak memungkinkan berlangsung selama acara. Jarang ada program berita yang tidak menayangkan program kuliner atau perjalanan di akhir acara, silahkan saja di cek? Kalaupun ada jumlahnya sangat sedikit.

Sebagai kesimpulan, media dan industri pariwisata memiliki keterkaitan erat yang tidak dapat dilepaskan. Masyarakat saat ini tidak hanya menuntut siaran tentang isu politik, ekonomi, kriminalitas, dll tetapi juga acara yang menyuguhkan keindahan, ketenangan pikiran, dan menyenangkan, acara semacam ini hanya bisa didapat melalui tayangan program kuliner atau perjalanan wisata. Cheeers

Kalangan (Fri-mart)

In some areas in Indonesia particularly suburb which have long distance with city, usually have a tradition. Like I felt, it was named Kalangan, I don’t know what that’s mean? Also I didn’t ask to other why named as that. Kalangan is a surprise market ‘pasar dadakan’ that held every Friday, the market was taking place at the main street of district, the situation really crowded , we easily found vehicle that carefully through the street.

The sellers open their lapak in front of houses, village offices, schools, even in some empty lands. I found kalangan as a place to interact naturallly, like my auntie said ‘Most of the people here, take rest from their work on Friday to visit Kalangan”

When I was child, I just felt glad when I invited to go there. Now I’m realize Kalangan such an interesting tourist attraction especially for me, maybe for them who spent live in cities. Wake up in early morning, and early coming there. I’ve been taken some pics ,,

Visit Kalangan in Friday is my pray, because I didn’t spent long time in my mam village. On that day we continue our journey to the host city of SEAGames 2011, yeah Palembang.

Ahaa, under the bright sun, we decided to take day trip visit Gelora Sriwijaya ‘Venue for opening and Closing Ceremony SEAGames’ at Jakabaring Sport City.

Here, I spent new year eve with my cousin, Soerabi Enhaii Bandung ‘enak& aduhai’ their branding, which located at the most popular hangout place for youth there.