Oct 9, 2011

2 cups of coffee

Gaswat, saya melewati salah satu malam teraneh di kostan, begitu gelisah dan sulit fokus dengan pekerjaan didepan laptop, sebentar-sebentar nengok ke belakang sekedar memastikan tidak ada keanehan terjadi. Saya mencari posisi enak untuk mengerjakan tugas namun kegelisahan masih mendera sighhhh. Tepat jam 12 malam mata masih terjaga, hal ini cukup langka karena saya tidak memiliki gangguan tidur dan punya kebiasaan tidur sekitar jam 8-10. Tepat jam 1 mata masih siaga penuh, akhirnya jam 2 saya paksakan untuk beristirahat.

Setelah diruntun, penyebab susah tidur tadi malam ada 2 penyebab, 1) Tidur siang 2) Makan malam di Kopitiam Oey, ternyata ini toh penyebab utamanya.

2 cups of coffe, saya bukan penikmat kopi dan belum bisa membedakan aroma kopi. Rasa penasaran akhirnya tejawab, Jum’at saya dkk mampir ke Kopitiam, kunjungan ini atas rekomendasi teman sekaligus karena sang empunya Resto adalah public figure yang biasa hadir di layar kaca wisata kuliner dengan tagline “Maknyusss”, a.k.a. Pak Bondan Oey.

Tempatnya sederhana, tidak terlalu ramai tapi seat turn overnya ga pernah sepi. Dengan belaga sok tahu saya pesan ‘Kopi Soesoe Indotjina’. Setelah tiba di meja, cengok bingung cara minumnya bagaimana? ada saringan kopi di atas cangkir, “something new -saya tahu saya norak- to be honest”. Kopi yang ga seberapa banyak sama air mineral gelas kemasan, let’s see the taste. Setelah menunggu saringan kopi tuntas selama 5 menit, ehmmm rasanya ‘mirip kopi’. Yah memang kopi dodol !! Ternyata efeknya berselang kemudian, yaitu kenikmatan diujung lidah, kombinasi rasa pahit yang pekat dicampur manisnya susu kental dan itu masih berasa sampai malam “maknyuss”.

Belum puas sampai disitu, atas rekomendasi seseorang saya kembali coba kopi yang katanya pakai campuran telor. ’Kopi Taloe Bukittinggi’ kalau dilihat dari luar mirip kopi biasa, warna coklat tanpa ampas dan porsinya lebih besar, 2x lipat Indotjina tadi. Karena ada campuran telur, langsung saya lekatkan di bibir dengan harapan tidak anyir. Ternyata enakkk, rasa anyir tidak begitu berasa walaupun ada sedikit-sedikit.

Ternyata oh tenyata, dua cangkir kopi cukup membantu mensiagakan mata hingga pagi menjelang. Proud to be Indonesian, Negara dengan penghasil kopi beragam dan terbaik di dunia : ) Kenali negerimu Cintai negerimu

Alhamd, sudah dua minggu kebelakang rezeki mengalir lancar, minimal 3 kali seminggu dapat makan siang gratis di kantor, entah diteraktir, syukuran pura, juga karena ikut pelatihan. Allah tahu kondisi keuangan saya kurang prima rupanya : )

Kertas nasi, dus nasi, stereofoam, daun pisang sudah biasa.

Coba perhatikan gambar di bawah ini, unik dan menawan bukan?

Tambah Gambar
still virgin :)

Tambah Gambar
nah, udah semakin kelihatan :))

tenang aja, halal koq :)))
Tambah Gambar

Oct 5, 2011

50s-90s generation

Bismilah, Om Swastiastu

There’s no post during September huftt, but I’ll paid all in this October

Hi readers, actually I’m not in good feeling now, so let me writing something in this post about what I felt, iyeeyy. I don’t like to use “galau” word, honestly I hate that word, it is better to say “tidak enak hati”. Do u want to know why?

PPL (Praktik Pengalaman Lapangan), is an academic program for 7th semester in my major. This program contains of 6 weeks internship in organization, board, or government institution which are related to tourism. I’m ready to be placement wherever, god always give the best for us, right? At the first I decided to chose Yogyakarta as my priority then Bali for second choices.

"The fate said I have to place at this office."

On this island, there are also Aulia, Pranita, and Mayang

Photo taken during 5th Legian Beach Festival

Alhamd, surrounded by the diversity of culture and believe of society. There are so much valuable lesson I got. Even I’m so faraway from my family in Bogor, nor my college in Bandung, but I fell like I’m in present with a new family, new atmosphere, they are so kind and open minded. As time goes by, I felt togetherness and enjoyed through day by day with them.

My new family, each of them play their own roles. For them, who born in era (50-60) they like parents, kind, and put more attention if I already close to them. Usually they call me “Adek”. But the disadvantage is so hard to get discuss about tourism in depth.

-- Pak Suparta, Bu Nyoman -- Representatif 60s era

For elderly youth generation who born in 70s, almost of them are small families, they already got children in elementary school. Their typical are humble, like to discuss about their family, leader, and I do really enjoy to discuss about tourism with them.

The last is 80s up, no wonder the staff were older, 1/6 of them have same era with me * The premature effect become civil servant, so nice be with them, actually we always kidding whole the time, asking for something, sharing, and the most important thing is no gap each us.

So guys the answer for the question above is ?

The office was quiet. After left by my training partner from Brawijaya University, 1/3 of staff take on travel to Yogyakarta and Makassar for attending tourism exhibition, another was attending meeting outside, undergo training program, and other reason. The positive side I do was writing and prepare the report for this internship.

Hope, before I left this office 7 days later, I will leave my footprints on their heart. Oh so sweet honey :D LOL

"perfect combination, late 60s, 70s, 80s, also baby bommers"
Pak Gus, Mbok Tjok, Fitria, Mbok Dyana, Bu Madri, Edward, Bli Ngurah *tiang photographer !